
Lady GagaStefani Germanotta / 嘎嘎小姐 / 女神卡卡

地区: United States of America 美国
风格: 流行舞曲 Dance-Pop, 都市音乐 Urban, 欧美流行 Western Pop

姓   名:Lady Gaga嘎嘎小姐、史蒂芬妮
国   籍:美国
星   座:白羊座
出 生 地:美国纽约曼哈顿
职   业:歌手
Lady Gaga,美国著名流行女歌手,身兼演员、词曲创作者、舞者、慈善家于一职,亦是国际乐坛最具影响力人物。曾受到David Bowie、Michael Jackson、Madonna及皇后乐队在内艺人的影响,以至于在流行音乐中用华丽且特立独行的形象闻名于世。2008年10月发行首张专辑《The Fame》后迅速掀起热潮,其中包括冠军单曲“Just Dance”与“Poker Face”。2010年被《时代》周刊评为百大最有影响力文化人物之一。2011年6月被《福布斯》杂志评为世界百位名人之首。自出道以来,她的唱片总销量在全球已超过2000万张,单曲销量更是超过6400万张,其中部分单曲更是有史以来销量最高的,曾多次荣获各大音乐典礼大奖,全球各大音乐颁奖典礼几乎榜上有名。
Lady Gaga(本名:Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, 艺名:Lady Gaga,中国大陆译为嘎嘎小姐或蕾蒂嘎嘎,台湾译为女神卡卡;1986年3月28日-)是一名美国歌手,词作家,音乐制作人,舞者,活动家,企业家,时尚设计师,演员以及慈善家。是签约美国 Akon 品牌旗下的创作歌手,1986年出生于纽约的Yonkers,其名“Lady Gaga”就是由皇后乐队的一首大热歌曲《Radio Gaga》的谐音而来。Gaga 由来其风格明显受到经典华丽摇滚歌手如 Queen、David Bowie 和1980年代 POP歌手如 Madonna 和 Michael Jackson。
Lady Gaga(1986年3月28日-)为美国女歌手和词曲创作家,五座格莱美奖得主,出生于美国纽约州一个家境丰厚的家庭,父母为意大利裔美国人,是同为意大利裔流行歌手的前辈麦当娜的远房亲戚。
2006年,自纽约大学辍学之后,GaGa与Interscope Records签约成为作曲人。她初踏入业界是纯粹担任幕后作曲者,曾为布兰妮、菲姬、小野猫、街头顽童合唱团和阿肯等知名歌手作曲。同时,她开始在纽约俱乐部演奏。当阿肯发现Gaga同时具有幕前演唱的实力后,他签约Gaga到自己的唱片公司Kon Live Distribution旗下,自此她开始筹备首张个人专辑。2008年,GaGa开始和一个名为“Haus of Gaga”的集团合作,同时发布了自己的首张个人专辑《The Fame》,她自己解释此专辑为“关于如何让所有人都尝到成名的滋味。”这张专辑在英国和加拿大等国家取得巨大成功,同时得到乐坛评论家的一致好评。这张专辑的两首主打单曲《Just Dance》(获得第51届葛莱美奖最佳舞曲提名)以及《Poker Face》在全球热播,使得Lady GaGa开始备受关注。
Lady GaGa一向以其狂放、异乎常人的着装特色著称,她具挑衅意味的时装风格受到好评,同时亦对很多名流有所影响。音乐上,她受到了大卫•鲍伊和皇后乐队的启发,同时也受到流行歌手如麦当娜和麦可•杰克森的影响。
Lady Gaga已经多项世界级记录,包括在英国单曲榜年度在榜周数最久的纪录(156周),《Bad Romance》打破美国告示牌17年点播记录,其MV也一度为YouTube点阅次数最高的影片(现为第四)。2011年新专辑《Born This Way》的首波同名主打《Born This Way》,不仅在发售后3小时16分即登上美国iTunes数位销售冠军,又在24小时内于世界各地的iTunes拿下惊人的23国同时冠军之记录,同时专辑销售在全球创下2400万的佳绩,是iTunes史上最畅销的歌曲。
1986年 - 2004年
GaGa生于美国纽约曼哈顿一个家境优渥的意大利家庭。她的父亲,Joseph Germanotta,是一位网络企业家,她的母亲,Cynthia,是一位通讯助理。而GaGa是他们的长女。她的妹妹,Natali,一个攻读时装的学生,出生于1992年。尽管她看似在富裕的曼哈顿上西区接受教养,但GaGa强调她自己不是来自一个富裕的家庭,说她的父母"均来自下层社会的家庭,我所拥有的一切都是我母亲上午7:52出去房子工作,在电信,和我的父亲也是如此。"
GaGa在4岁时听着钢琴声学习钢琴,当她11岁时原本要被送到曼哈顿的茱利亚音乐学院就学,但后来她进入了天主教学校圣心学校就读。她在13岁的时候写了自己的第一首钢琴叙事曲,并且在14岁时开始在晚间表演。在她17岁时,她获得纽约大学Tisch School of the Art的提前录取,她在那里学习音乐。她透过写小品散文及分析性质的报告,来使自己的作曲着重于艺术,宗教和社会政治等题材。之后她自纽约大学退学,以专注在音乐事业上。
2005年 - 2007年
在她搬出父母的房子后,GaGa开始在城里表演,在纽约的下东区,她和Mackin Pulsifer和SGBand同台演出。寄希望于从典型的摇滚歌手中脱颖而出,她选择集中自己的注意力于流行音乐。
GaGa在19岁时曾签约Def Jam,那是因为知名的音乐监制L. A. Reid在办公室听到她在走廊的歌声。然而GaGa说Reid从未和她见面。“我常常在他的办公室外等好几个小时,希望他和我谈谈我的音乐理念等等,但他从来没有这么做,甚至连出来见我一面都没有过。”Reid在三个月后舍弃了GaGa。
当说到她父亲对她吸毒和在脱衣舞表演的反应,“他好几个月都对我不理不睬,我当时穿着皮革拖鞋,他觉得很难过——他无法理解。”同时,GaGa爱上一位名叫Luc Carl的重金属鼓手。在2009年5月的滚石杂志上,GaGa描述了他们的关系和他们的分手“I was his Sandy,and he was my Danny,and I just broke.”她这样说。后来他成为她首张专辑的创作灵感之一。
音乐制作人Rob Fusari将她的声音及曲风和英国著名乐队皇后乐队的主唱佛莱迪•摩克瑞相提并论,便以1984年Queen的单曲《Radio GaGa》来昵称其为GaGa。她便以“GaGa”为其早期的艺名,而后再演变成“Lady GaGa”,其意为“狂热小姐”。Fusari也帮助她创作了一些她的早期热曲,如"Disco Heaven","Dirty Ice Cream"和"Beautiful, Dirty, Rich"。
在2007年,GaGa与和她名字相似的下东区摇滚DJ,舞娘兼表演艺术家Lady Starlight合作,她帮助GaGa确立了她在舞台上的时尚造型。这对组合开始在城里的酒吧如Mercury Lounge、The Bitter End和Rockwood Music Hall演出,她们现场表演,也有“Lady GaGaand The Starlight Revue”。号称“The Ultimate Pop Burlesque Rockshow”她们的行为带有一种低调的向1970年代致敬的味道。在2007年8月GaGaand The Starlight Revue被邀请在美国音乐节Lollapalooza表演,她们狂野的表演使观众大为震惊。这场表演广受好评,她们的表演受到了很多积极评价。制作人文森特•赫伯特被她敏锐的发现音乐的能力所震撼签她到Interscope。很多艺人雇佣她写歌,包括Akon的Konvict品牌,同时也有菲姬,小野猫,布兰妮和New Kids on the Block,其中最有名的就是被收录在布兰妮《Circus》豪华版专辑内的歌曲"Quicksand"。GaGa在2007年初获得了Interscope主席Jimmy Lovine的欣赏。他为她通过Streamline/Interscope提供了一个品牌,同时促使她和阿肯的合作关系。在Akon听到他专辑之中一首GaGa所唱的Demo后,他发觉GaGa同时具有演唱的天分。阿肯最终和Jimmy达成协定,将她签约到自己的公司Kon Live Distribution下。
通过和阿肯的关系,GaGa开始和制作人RedOne制作自己的首张专辑。已经有坚实的电音基础,大卫•鲍威的风格,受Queen所启发的音乐,GaGa希望用城市的旋律对她的复古舞曲进行混音,虽然是流行歌曲但游走在摇滚的边缘。他们制作的第一首音乐是Mtley Crüe的热门曲"Girls, Girls, Girls"和AC/DC的"T.N.T."的混合,也就是后来收录在《The Fame》专辑里的歌曲"Boys Boys Boys"。
2008年,GaGa来到洛杉矶,和她的唱片公司合作完成她的首张专辑《The Fame》。GaGa的第一支单曲"Just Dance"在4月8日发布,成为GaGa的第一首美国Billboard Hot 100冠军单曲。第二支单曲"Poker Face"在9月29日发布,并且在20国成为冠军单曲,此单曲也成为GaGa的第二首美国Billboard Hot 100冠军单曲。《The Fame》在2008年10月末正式在美国发行,并且首战登上Billboard Top 200的17名,首周销量24000张。
2009年,GaGa被确认为小野猫在欧洲和大洋洲的巡演演唱会上的嘉宾。GaGa的"Just Dance"获得了第51届格莱美奖最佳舞曲的提名。2月18日,GaGa和摇滚乐队杀手乐队的布兰登•夫洛尔和电子双人组合Pet Shop Boys在2009全英音乐奖的舞台上表演。Pet Shop Boys表演了自己的热门曲,GaGa和夫洛尔则在后段加入,表演1985年的热门单曲"West End Girls"。GaGa的首个北美巡演,《The Fame Ball Tour》,于同年3月12日开始。同年6月,她宣布将和肯伊•威斯特一起举行巡演,但最后取消了合作计划。11月23日,GaGa推出专辑《The Fame Monster》,第一支单曲"Bad Romance"更在美国Billboard Hot 100排到第二名位置。而随着改版专辑《The Fame Monster》的发行,GaGa展开了全新的世界巡回演唱会《The Monster Ball Tour》
2010年,在第52届格莱美奖上,GaGa获得了5项提名,最后获得两项大奖,而她在颁奖典礼现场与艾尔顿•约翰的演出,更被媒体评为格莱美最佳演出之一。2010年2月16日,第30届全英音乐奖的颁奖典礼在英国举行GaGa入围三项并担任表演嘉宾,最后三个项提名全部获奖。3月3日,GaGa的官方网站正式宣布了《The Fame Monster》专辑的第二支单曲"Telephone"的音乐录影带即将首播,该音乐录影带则由动感天后碧昂丝与GaGa本人共同演出,随后"Telephone"在2010年3月5日登上Billboard排行榜的舞曲点播排行榜冠军,成为GaGa第六首得到Billboard舞曲排行榜冠军的单曲。2010年3月4日,德国的Echo Music Awards上,GaGa赢得了最佳新人奖、最佳国际流行/摇滚艺人以及最佳年度单曲三项大奖。3月底,GaGa正式公开《The Fame Monster》专辑的第二支单曲"Telephone"的音乐录影带。GaGa的官方网站在五月发表了《The Monster Ball Tour》于2011年的加演巡回场次,也宣布第三波主打"Alejandro"将于6月1号正式公开。在2010年的世界音乐奖上,GaGa获得包含最佳流行歌手在内等五项大奖。9月,一年一度的MTV音乐录影带大奖于洛杉矶展开,GaGa获得包含年度最佳音乐录影带等8项大奖。
2011年,GaGa第二张专辑《Born This Way》于2月11号正式推出。"Born This Way"自首周空降冠军后连续稳坐冠军位置长达六周。2月13号,第53届格莱美颁奖典礼上,她获得最佳流行女歌手、最佳短篇音乐录影带与最佳流行专辑奖。HBO电视台于5月7日播出GaGa于纽约麦迪逊花广场录影的《The Monster Ball Tour》纪录片,这也是首次正式的官方录影播出。5月17日,GaGa把"The Edge of Glory"派到电台和正式转为《Born This Way》专辑里的第三支单曲。5月18日,美国杂志《福布斯》公布了全球最具权势的名人100名,GaGa排名第一。5月23日,她个人的第二张专辑《Born This Way》正式发行。6月16日,"The Edge of Glory"的音乐录影带正式推出。7月20日,GaGa正式展开第四支单曲的MV拍摄。
2012年1月,单曲"Marry the Night"的失败让Interscope于1月4日决定要停止"Marry the Night"电台的播送,此首歌中断了GaGa每首单曲都有进入前10名的纪录。3月,她的世界巡回演唱会《Lady GaGa Starring: The Born This Way Ball World Tour》于香港开唱。
2013年8月25日,第三十届MTV音乐录影带大奖在美国纽约布鲁克林新建的巴克莱中心拉开帷幕,Lady Gaga作开场表演,此为Gaga单曲《Applause》首度公演。11月的第三周,Lady Gaga的《Dope》空降该周Hot 100单曲榜第八位,在月初的首届YouTube音乐奖颁奖礼上,Lady GaGa现场演唱了这首歌曲。在该周的公告牌网络流量单曲榜中,这首歌以820万的网络浏览量空降榜首,成为了Lady GaGa在流量单曲榜中的第一个冠军。在本周的数字下载单曲榜方面,GaGa这首歌以三万一千张的销量成绩空降第六十位。对于Lady GaGa来说,这首歌是她第十三首打入公告牌Hot 100单曲榜前十名的歌曲。
2015年,发行新专辑《ARTPOP》,《Telephone(Remixes)》,《Disco Heaven 2009》和《Gaga Takeover》 。 2015年获得“年度最佳传统流行演唱专辑《Cheek to Cheek》”
英文简介 (转自 Allmusic)
Glamorously gaudy, a self-made post-modern diva stitched together from elements of Madonna, David Bowie, and Freddie Mercury, Lady Gaga was the first true millennial superstar. Mastering the constant connection of the internet era, Gaga generated countless mini-sensations through her style, her videos, and her music, cultivating a devoted audience she dubbed "Little Monsters." But it wasn't just a cult that turned her 2008 manifesto The Fame into a self-fulfilling prophecy: Gaga crossed over into the mainstream, ushering out one pop epoch and kick-starting a new one, quickly making such turn-of-the-century stars as Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears seem old-fashioned, quite a trick for any artist to pull off, but especially impressive for an artist who specialized in repurposing the past -- particularly the '80s -- for present use, creating sustainable pop for a digital world.
Perhaps unsurprisingly given her flair for grand gestures, Lady Gaga has deep roots in drama. Born Stefani Germanotta on March 28, 1986, the future Gaga played piano as a child and pursued musical theater in high school, regularly auditioning for New York-based television shows, notably landing a background role for a 2001 episode of The Sopranos. At the age of 17 she enrolled at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts in their Collaborative Arts Project 21. As she studied, she continued to eke her way into show biz, winding up with an appearance on MTV's short-lived post-Punk'd reality show Boiling Points in 2005. Not long afterward, she left school so she could concentrate on her music, fronting a band called SGBand, which released two EPs prior to splitting. Germanotta then teamed with producer Rob Fusari, a collaboration that produced not only her stage name Lady Gaga, but recordings that led to her signing with Def Jam in the fall of 2006. Her association with Def Jam was short-lived: the label dropped her early in 2007. Gaga rebounded by working with performance artist Lady Starlight, the two developing the Lady Gaga & the Starlight Revue, a tongue-in-cheek neo-burlesque act that gained positive press and proved to be her last stop before signing with Interscope later in 2007. While at Interscope she created a bond with Akon, who convinced Interscope head Jimmy Iovine to have her co-sign with his Kon Live imprint, and then Gaga began working with producer/songwriter RedOne, a union that led to the songs that would bring her fame: "Just Dance," "LoveGame," and "Poker Face." These songs formed the foundation of The Fame, the debut album that appeared in August 2008.
The Fame Monster Initially, Lady Gaga had greater success in Europe, thanks in large part to the "Just Dance" single, which earned club play in the U.S. and chart placement in other territories. Gaga's march toward the top of the American chart was slow but "Just Dance" reached the peak position in January 2009, followed swiftly by "Poker Face," the single that firmly pushed her into the mainstream, its popularity growing so large it often functioned as a punch line on TV in addition to winning a Grammy for Best Dance Recording. "LoveGame" and "Paparazzi" also appeared as singles before Gaga released The Fame Monster in time for the holiday season of 2009. The mini-LP, available separately and as a package with The Fame, contained the single "Bad Romance" whose popularity soon rivaled "Poker Face" and helped kickstart a stellar year for Gaga in 2010. That year, the hit singles "Bad Romance," "Alejandro," and the Beyoncé duet "Telephone," along with the successful Monster Ball Tour, put Lady Gaga front and center with the public as she worked on her sophomore album, announcing the May release of Born This Way on New Year's Day 2011. The steady march to its summer unveiling was preceded by the release of three singles --"Born This Way," "Judas," and "The Edge of Glory"-- all leading up to the highly anticipated Born This Way. Arriving to mixed reviews, the album was a hit but didn't quite live up to its high expectations, yet it produced more genuine hits with "Marry the Night." A full remix of the album, naturally called Born This Way: The Remix, appeared at the end of the year, as did a holiday television special called A Very Gaga Thanksgiving and an accompanying EP, A Very Gaga Holiday.
ARTPOPGaga continued to promote Born This Way throughout 2012, appearing at various star-studded events and television programs while continuing her international tour. The tour came to a halt in February of 2013, when she announced that she had hip surgery to repair a labral tear. As she was healing, she worked on her third album, Artpop. Preceded by the singles "Applause" and "Do What U Want," the latter a duet with R. Kelly, Artpop was released in early November 2013.
In 2014, Gaga collaborated with American jazz singer Tony Bennett on the jazz album Cheek to Cheek. It debuted atop the Billboard 200, becoming Gaga's third consecutive number-one record in the United States.The duo recorded a concert special, called Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga: Cheek to Cheek Live!,and embarked on the Cheek to Cheek Tour, which began in December 2014 and concluded in August 2015.
In February 2015, Gaga became engaged to Taylor Kinney.At the 87th Academy Awards, she performed a tribute to The Sound of Music, singing a medley of songs from the film.The performance triggered over 214,000 interactions per minute globally on Facebook.Gaga performed a piano version of John Lennon's "Imagine" at the opening ceremony of the 2015 European Games in Baku, Azerbaijan.Gaga and Diane Warren co-wrote a song titled "Til It Happens to You" for the documentary The Hunting Ground,which earned them the Satellite Award for Best Original Song and an Academy Award nomination in the same category.On October 2, 2015, a fashion film, directed by Nick Knight, was released for Tom Ford's 2016 spring campaign, which depicts Gaga among several models dancing around a catwalk. It featured a new version of Chic's "I Want Your Love", recorded by Gaga in collaboration with Nile Rodgers.
Gaga starred in American Horror Story: Hotel, the fifth season of American Horror Story, which ran from October 2015 to January 2016.In March 2016, she announced that she would return for the sixth season of American Horror Story.
In January 2016, Gaga was invited to be the guest editor for the V magazine for its 99th issue, which features sixteen different covers.Her live performances in 2016 included singing the US national anthem on February 7, at Super Bowl 50,partnering with Intel and Nile Rodgers for a tribute performance to the late David Bowie at the 58th Annual Grammy Awards,and singing "Til It Happens to You" at the 88th Academy Awards, where she was introduced by Joe Biden and accompanied on-stage by 50 sexual assault survivors.On April 4, 2016 she was honored at the Jane Ortner Education Award by The Grammy Museum, with the Jane Ortner Artist Award, which recognizes artists who has demonstrated passion and dedication to education through the arts.Gaga and Elton John released a clothing and accessories line on Macy's on May 9, 2016, to support their charities.
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